Joseph Kadolph rejoined Artisan Advisors in fall of 2017 as a director and currently leads the firm’s Regulatory Compliance Practice.  Joe has strong experience within the financial institution industry, developing, enhancing, implementing, and monitoring enterprise risk management (ERM) frameworks, internal control systems, compliance and fair lending risk reviews, and Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) processes. 

Joe has served as interim compliance, BSA, and CRA officers for multiple Artisan clients.  He also provides support to resolve audit and examination findings, develops Business Continuity Plans (BCP) which include business impact analyses, BCP risk assessments, disaster recovery testing and annual BCP training and leads clients in creating and maintaining comprehensive vendor management programs.

In his 25-year banking and senior management career, Joe has developed and implemented new lending and deposit products and services by working with lines of business management, vendors, and legal counsel.   

He also oversaw the implementation of new and revised banking laws, regulations, rules and guidance by working with lines of business management on revising policies, procedures, training material, disclosures, and vendor software, as well as completing pre- and post-testing of the changes.    His expertise in regulatory compliance extends to having been a Commissioned Compliance Examiner for the Federal Reserve System for more than 11 years, where he also served as the examiner-in-charge (EIC), managing consumer compliance and CRA examinations.

Joe earned his Bachelor of Science in business administration from Roosevelt University with a major in accounting, and his Master in Business Administration from Rosary College (now Dominican University) with a concentration in finance.  He is a registered Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager. 

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