Case Studies

Artisan's expertise in action

Artisan Team


The Challenge The chief financial officer of a community bank was incapacitated due to health issues, leaving a critical vacancy in a key role for this $1 billion+ institution. The client’s executive management recognized it needed interim CFO support to manage the year-end audit and financial statement preparation, a process made more complicated by a […]


December 3, 2024

Pile of paperwork on meeting table with blurred businesspeople working on background.

The Consent Order

The Challenge A $100 million bank in a major city had just received a regulatory order with a long list of requirements that the bank’s management team had to meet by various dates, the earliest of which was just 30 days away. The management team, especially the president, was overwhelmed by the task they were […]


October 25, 2024

The Reorganization

A $700 million financial institution had a problem. As part of an effort to attract new capital or a merger partner, the client had previously downsized its organization by hundreds of millions of dollars by shuttering out-of-state operations among other cost-saving initiatives. However, the institution still could not produce an earnings level that would attract […]


Becoming a Bank

A diversified financial services and mortgage servicing organization was not only facing an increasingly complicated regulatory environment but had also developed numerous lines of business that management wanted to evaluate for possible inclusion in a commercial banking structure. The client’s executive management presented Artisan Advisors with this proposition: “Help us decide if we should we […]


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